The Choice Between Safe And Adventurous Life

Safety is a sweet - soundings word while adventure has all the connections of  danger. Safety is a desirable things, but too much craving for safety makes us inert, cowardly and spineless.

The safe path is always the beaten path. The safest place for a human being is the mother's womb but no one wants that kind of safety for all times. It is only after moving out of that that man can aspire to do anything worth the name.
      Similarly, in life also, it is always desirable to keep our shelves safe from any unnecessary danger, but when this danger is from an enemy, it would be cowardly and ruinous to hide ourselves in a safe place.

    All discoveries the world were made by men who loved to face challenges and dancers, who had the courage to dive into unknown regions and reveal the mysteries of nature.
We can call them men of adventure who loved to take risks for the betterment of human life and for the advancement of human knowledge.
If  ever I have to tread any beaten path, it would be the path taken by these men that I would like to tread.